Course Outline

Day One

Effective negotiations and negotiators:

- Defining negotiation and determining when to negotiate

- What makes a great negotiator?

- Video case studies

- The steps of preparation


Personality types:

- The benefits of knowing personality styles

-Understand each personality style

-Identify your own personality style

-Know how to work more effectively with each personality style while  


-Know which negotiation strategy to choose based on relationship and results

-Define positional bargaining

 -Know the differences between " Soft" and " Hard" negotiating

 -Understand principled negotiation

 -Know the four steps in the negotiation process


Types of negotiation:

- Buyer-seller

- Distribution


Preparing for negotiation:

- Hot buttons

- Dealing with emotion

- Identify fears and learn how to overcome them

- Understand what drives your negotiation partner

-Define your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiation agreement), WAP (walk away point) and ZOPA (zone of possible agreement)

-Prepare for your personal negotiation situation


Opening the negotiation:

- Creating a positive first impression

-The importance of common ground

- Likeability

- Influencing skills

- Negotiation ground rules


Day Two

Exchanging information and bargaining:

- How to exchange information

- What is your contingency plan?

- Bargaining techniques


Talking about conditions and compromising:

- Agreeing and disagreeing

- Identifying needs

- Accepting, giving and rejecting proposals

- Discussing and breaking deadlocks

- Types of conflict

- Managing the conflict


Negotiation strategies

- An introduction to positions

- How to manage emotions

- Bargaining and concessions

- Dealing with pressure

- Tricks and traps


Handling opposition

- Getting to yes


Closing the negotiation

- Move from bargaining to closing


Taking part in a practice negotiation:

- Preparing yourself, your team and your position

- Backup plans

- Strategies

- Reflections, feedback and action planning


Conflict resolution

- Sometimes overzealous negotiations can create internal friction in the workplace

- PUGSS conflict resolution techniques



Middle and Senior Management

No prior knowledge is required – We presume that participants will have prior experience. However absolute beginners can greatly benefit from taking part in this course as well

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (7)

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