Course Outline

Google Ads Basics

  • Account settings and user management
  • The best account structure for 2023
  • What is a quality score and how it impacts your ads

Search Campaigns setup

  • Search campaigns overview
    • How to do a keyword research
    • Negative keywords lists
    • Brand vs Non Brand campaigns
    • Creating campaigns structure in spreadsheets/excel
    • How to write compelling ads that sell
    • How to upload campaigns to Google Ads Editor
  • Google Ads Editor overview
  • Dynamic Search Ads campaigns setup
  • Ad extensions overview and setup

Google Ads Bidding Algorithm and Bid Strategies

  • Understanding of how Google Ads bidding algorithm works
  • Manual Bidding and Maximise Clicks bid strategies
  • Maximise Conversions bid strategy
  • Maximise Conversion Value with target ROAS bid strategy
    • What is a breakeven ROAS and how to calculate your target ROAS
    • Using portfolio bid strategies
  • Bid strategies comparison

Google Merchant Center setup

  • Google Merchant Center for Shopping ads
    • Account set up and linking to Google Ads
    • Feed creation process
      • How to create feed manually using spreadsheets
      • How to create feed in third party platforms and which one to use
      • Product titles best practices
      • How to create product images that stand out
    • Managing Programs in Merchant Center

Performance Max campaigns setup

  • Performance Max setup and structuring
  • How to add audience signals
  • Asset groups setup
  • Managing product listings in Performance Max campaigns

Standard Shopping Campaigns setup

  • Standard Shopping Campaigns setup process
  • Advanced technique of running Performance Max and Standard Shopping campaigns simultaneously to double up your revenue

YouTube Campaigns setup

  • Targeting options in Youtube Ads - Retargeting and Prospecting campaigns
  • Campaigns setup and structuring
  • Video creatives best practices
  • How to refresh your videos

Discovery and Display campaigns setup

  • Targeting options in Discovery and Display Campaigns - Retargeting and Prospecting campaigns
  • Campaigns setup and structuring
  • Creatives best practices

Campaigns Optimisation

  • Search campaigns optimisation
  • Performance Max campaigns optimisation
  • Standard Shopping campaigns optimisation
  • Youtube campaigns optimisation
  • Discovery and Display campaigns optimisation
  • Using third party tools for Google Ads campaigns optimisation

Google Ads Rules and Scripts

  • Using rules to automate account optimisation
  • Using script to automate account optimisation

Google Tag Manager overview

  • Advantages of using of Google Tag Manager
  • Google Tag Manager overview

Google Ads Tag setup

  • How to implement Google Ads tag on the website
  • Enhanced conversions setup

Google Analytics 4 Basics

  • How to set up a GA4 account and link it to Google Ads
  • GA4 events setup
  • GA4 audiences setup
  • Data discrepancies between Google Ads and Analytics
 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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