Course Outline

Overview of Advanced Arduino Programming

  • Why You Should Consider Advanced Arduino Programming
  • Understanding the Arduino IDE
  • Understanding the Main Components of the Arduino Microcontroller
  • Overview of the AVR Microcontroller Family

Exploring Alternatives to the Arduino IDE
Overview of the Blinking LED Sketch
Using the Command Line and Makefile to Bypass the Arduino IDE

  • Overview of Make
  • Configuring the Makefile (Blinking LED)
  • Compiling and Uploading an Arduino Program (Blinking LED) Using Makefile

Programming the Arduino Using WinAVR

  • Installing WinAVR
  • Configuring and Uploading a Program (Blinking LED) to the Arduino Using WinAVR

Creating Your First Advanced Arduino Project: Parking Distance Alert System

  • Overview of the Parking Distance Alert System
  • Overview of the Electronic Components
  • Interfacing the Piezo Buzzer
  • Interfacing the IR Proximity Sensor
  • Coding the Piezo Buzzer
  • Coding the IR Proximity Sensor
  • Coding the Main Application
  • Testing Your Parking Distance Alert System

Summary and Troubleshooting
Closing Remarks


  • Basic familiarity with Arduino
  • Basic programming experience
  • A general understanding of embedded systems
  • Familiarity with C/C++ programming


  • Beginner developers
  • Hardware/software technicians
  • Technical persons in all industries
  • Hobbyists
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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